Dear Exhibitor – Thank you for entering the 2022 Limestone Coast Wine Show. Please check all entries and names of wines are correct. The name of the wine submitted on your entry form will be the name published in the results booklet. Contact Sean Murphy on 0401 054 225 if any changes are needed.
To access your printable exhibit labels, simply log-on to the portal and go to view entries. There you will find the download tabs. Label stock is 8-to-page.
Important Information on Labels
- There is one label page for each exhibit – please check that you have one page for each wine entered
- The two (2) labels at the top of the page are to be applied to the outside of the carton – one address label and one label signifying class, exhibit and entry number.
- There are also 5 labels to be applied to the five (5) x 750ml samples (or 8 x 375ml in class 6)
- The wine show label should not obscure the commercial label if possible
- Please pack samples in cartons* and remember to apply the 2 labels as mentioned above – address label and the class, exhibit and entry label
- If more than one carton please number each carton (i.e. 1 of 4, 2 of 4 etc.)
- For Provence entries in white section 8,9,10 and red section 11,12,13 – we require 2 by 750mL of each vintage, use the 5 exhibit labels to label one of each. (Note – un-opened exhibits will be available to pick up at the exhibitors tasting.)
*Please do not use foam, we prefer cardboard.
Exhibits are the be delivered to;
Penley Estate
McLeans Road, Coonawarra SA 5263
From Monday 3rd to Friday 7th October 2022
All freight must be pre-paid
This year the presentation of awards dinner will be at the Robe Mechanic Institute on Thursday 20th October starting at 6.30pm.
For Dinner booking or payment enquiries, please contact Ulrich Grey-Smith on email or mobile 0429 499 355.
We wish you success in this year’s show.
V best,
LCWS committee
c/-Limestone Coast Grape and Wine Council Inc
PO Box 28
Coonawarra SA 5263