Bus Timetable for Limestone Coast Wine Show Dinner

Thursday 24th October.

If you have booked..

5.05pm William McIntosh Motor Lodge

5.20pm Naracoorte Town Hall

5.25pm Naracoorte TAFE carpark

5.35pm Caves Road Turn Off

5.45pm Glenroy Corner

5.55pm Coonawarra Store 

6.10pm Bushman’s Inn [Cnr Church and John Street on Eastern side*]

6.15pm Royal Oak

6.20pm IGA Carpark 

6.30pm arrive Rymill Hall.

* Option here to de-bus and walk to Rymill Hall via John Street

11pm sharp – bus leaves Rymill hall  drop back in reverse order [Note there will be No Pick Ups at Bushmans Inn on return]