26thJuly 2021
Entries close on the 20th August – ENTER ONLINE NOW!
The Limestone Coast Wine Show will return in 2021!
Last year’s annual show was cellared due to COVID-19, but organisers have confirmed that the highly anticipated 20th anniversary event will be celebrated in mid-October. Limestone Coast Grape and Wine Council executive officer, Ulrich Grey-Smith, says the show always attracts strong industry support, and it’s great to see it back on track.
“Wine shows offer such a terrific opportunity to not only gauge where a wine sits on the local stage, but also to acknowledge the region’s widespread achievements and innovation,” Ulrich says. “We really missed it last year, and we’re thrilled that everything is looking positive for this year with the generous ongoing support of loyal sponsors.”
Online entries officially open this Thursday July 29, and Limestone Coast producers have just three weeks to nominate their favourite wines before the August 20 deadline.
The last event held in 2019 saw a total of 495 top local drops submitted by nearly 80 different producers, with the classic 2016 St Hugo Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon produced by one of South Australia’s oldest wineries winning the Bill Redman Trophy for Best Wine of Show.
Coonawarra-based wine show judge Bruce Gregory says anticipation is high for a new entry record on the back of an exceptional vintage, with the 2021 Limestone Coast grape crush more than doubling last year’s haul.
“The last 12 months has been amazing, and there’s going to be a lot of people who are looking to show their wines and get some traction in the market,” Bruce says. “Consumers know that a wine show medal is certainly an endorsement of a quality wine, and we have seen a lot of gold medals come out of the Limestone Coast Wine Show over the years – this region is a really strong performer on both the local and national stage.”
Judging will take place from October 18-21 at Penola’s Rymill Hall, with high-profile Tasmanian winemaker Samantha Connew set to continue her tenure as Chief of Judges. The 2021 Wine Show Trophy Dinner will be hosted by the Mount Gambier Wine Region, and the International Judge’s Award will be the only trophy missing from the presentations due to ongoing travel restrictions.
For further information, contact LCGWC executive officer Ulrich Grey-Smith on 0429 499 355 or visit https://limestonecoastwine.com.au/