Your Extreme Weather EventManaging Extreme Weather Events Hybrid-Seminar on 17th September – your experiences. Thank you for your interest and registering to attend. We would like to know of your Extreme Weather events and effects they may have had on budburst, flowering, verasion, yield and ultimately fruit quality. Describe in sentences and there may be more than one event you wish to describe – 250 words maximum.(Required)We are interested in photos – If you are happy to share please email these directly to list extreme events as comprising: Frost/Hail/Heat/Wind/Unseasonal or Intense weather such as Thunderstorms along with persistent Drought/Cloud/Humidity We also see storms occurring in compact, intense cells, which have a significant impact depending on where they hit. Can you put the event described above into a loose category? – 10 words.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.