Fracking Moratorium is now in place within the Limestone Coast. Updates on activity in this space are reported to COM meetings. Contact for more information.
Latest Reports from GISerra
- High Volume High Pressure Slick-water Fracturing (fracking) (HVHPSF),
- Unconventional Shale Gas (USG),
- Unconventional Coal Seam Gas (CSG),
- CSIRO FAQ & definitions
The sub-committee of LCGWC for monitoring plans for unconventional mining within the South East of South Australia was formed by resolution of the committee of management in January 2014.
Sub-committee members are Stuart Sharman, Pete Bissell, Dennis Vice & Ulrich Grey-Smith. This empowered sub-committee has full support of all regions & vineyards in the limestone coast
We, the regions & vineyards of the Limestone Coast, are united in calling for a moratorium on unconventional gas mining in all its forms, that is high volume high pressure slick-water fracturing.
We commend SELGA for their statement and stand calling for an immediate moratorium on these activities. (June 14, see media release below)
We commend the moratorium decreed by our neighbours, the Victorian government on unconventional gas mining in all its forms. This moratorium ends in April 2015.
Water is a valuable and precious resource. The Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation plan was approved by the Hon. Ian Hunter MLC in late November 2013. This plan allocated water fairly to agriculture, forestry, towns & the environment. Stake holders have recently been asked to accept significant cuts. It is not just a wine sector issue if aquifer volume is lost or becomes un-potable.
“The greater Limestone Coast is is absolutely dependant on the ground water supply which services our towns, our industry, our livestock, our irrigated agriculture. We have no other options, we do not have access to the Murray River, or reservoirs, or desalination.” Allen Jenkins.
Albeit only exploratory HVHPSF licences have been issued, the intention to explore the possibility of many wells & large scale hydraulic fracturing using old and new techniques does raise concerns and questions.
- The risk of contamination of the aquifers is high.
- The risk of water level change is high.
- The risks that above ground tailing water, flaring & legacy infrastructure damage pose is high.
- Biosecurity concerns with moving plant without following approved protocols.
There is much peer accepted scientific work that has been undertaken where these mining methods have been employed that will apply to the limestone coast. Well failure rate is a real concern.
The geomorphology of the otway basin & limestone coast is not well understood by any party. The 1897 Beachport-Robe earthquake, magnitude 6.5, opened up springs and fissures that still exist today.
Endorsed Organisations; Limestone Coast Protection Alliance Inc, Lock the Gate.
Alliances are and will be formed as is needed.