UAVDrone Wrattonbully

Technology for Vineyard Management

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or Drones) & Spin – off Technologies

Wednesday September 19, 2018

Joanna Hall, Wrattonbully

11.00am UAVs – when and where can I fly and why can’t I go spraying with one?  Ashley Cox, Airsight

12 noon Why use a UAV? Applications where they excel over fixed wing and satellite Grant Yates, Southern Precision

12:30pm LUNCH

1:00pm UAVs, Machine Learning and AI for viticulture & winemaking  Dr.Sigfredo Fuentes, Uni of Melbourne

1:45pm Niche Applications

Nathan Roy, Drone Agriculture

2:30pm Questions and close.

Come and learn more about the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s or Drones), where they excel and some of the spin – off technologies facilitating their use. This half day workshop will investigate the practical and scientific aspects of drone usage in vineyards, showing where drones are finding their niche in the vineyard landscape. An infield demonstration will be undertaken to show the possibilities available now and to help explain what the technology can offer.

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